July 27, 2024

What to pack for a gorilla safari in Uganda?

What to pack for a gorilla safari in Uganda?

What to pack for a gorilla safari in Uganda is a common frequently asked asked question by tourists looking forward to delight gorilla safari in Uganda. It is paramount Gorilla trekking is done in Bwindi Impenetrable forest National park and Mgahinga Gorilla National Park. These safari parks are found in remote areas which do not have access to modern services and also at the mountainous areas. Gorilla trekking requires you to wake up early for a cup of coffee and head out for briefying, later transfer at 08:00am to the starting point.

However the weather and temperatures in the gorilla safari destinations is not reliable, on this note, don’t forget to carry comfortable and warm clothing including strong waterproof shoes. And as you proceed with packing for gorilla safari, keep in mind that bright clothes may not be great ideal because they disorganize the natural environment like attracting unnecessary attention.

The gorilla trekking experiences in Uganda loved by many travelers all the universe. Though many travelers keep wondering what to pack for the gorilla adventure. Here below, find out a list of what you should pack for your gorilla safari in Uganda.

What to pack for a gorilla safari in Uganda

Gorilla Trekking boots

As you look forward to enjoy Uganda gorilla trekking safari this season, carry your strong gorilla trekking boots for easy hiking. Gorilla trekking experience  Involves to some hiking while searching for the habituated mountain gorilla family. Also considering the forest nature, altitude and the terrain. However, buy light weight hiking boots for easy movement while trekking.

Hand Sanitizers and Face Masks

On a gorilla safari in Uganda, your health is something taken as first priority. Therefore to  ensure maximum safety for one’s life f in this post Covid-19 pandemic season, we argue you to pack a hand sanitizer as a face masks with you so that to enjoy a successful gorilla safari.

Rain jacket

The rain jacket is something you should not forget, this should be water and wind proof. This is due the fact that misty Bwindi impenetrable forest which has tropical rain forest and the climate is influenced by the micro condition of the area. Therefore, rain is expected any time in this park. However buy the rain jacket with a hood to cover the head and your hair, the rains are always expected regardless of whether its wet or dry season.

Long trousers

The Long trousers save your body skin from tree scratches, from wild insects bites like wild ants, bugs safari ants plus many other small insects in the forest. Before you begin the gorilla trek, remember to tack in your trousers and this saves yourself from dangerous insects wanting to enter your trousers. The other you need to put in mind when buying long trousers, consider buying water proofed trousers so that to avoid wetting them if you kneel down to capture the clear view of the photos in case of photo shoot. Also buy dull colored long trousers like khaki and jean trousers are perfect clothes for your gorilla tour.

Hat and sun glasses

Gorilla safari

Also pack your hat and sun glasses to protect your head and the eyes during the hot temperatures in the dry season. Expected hot days, thus  pack your sun glasses to protect the eyes from the direct strong sun rays.

Garden gloves

While on a gorilla trek, sometimes the forests gets slippery therefore you might end up touching the ground or some plants to get support. But, take note that some of the bush plants are prickly and itching so they might harm you when you touch them. To avoid germs when you touch down you have to pack the garden gloves and get saved from all kind of discomfort on your gorilla safari in Uganda.

Cameras and extra batteries.

This is what makes your trip unsual and rewarding. You are advised to pack your camera when planning for the adventurous safari in Uganda. You need to pack extra batteries thus saving you gorilla memories. On your gorilla tour in Uganda, you are allowed to take photos as many as you can, just to remind you about your gorilla experience. When taking gorilla photographs you are highly recommended to switch off the flash lights.

Energy giving snacks

Gorilla trekking takes long hours, we thus remind you to pack some energy giving snacks and enough water. You will be given time to rest and take your snacks so that to be able to gain energy. You can inform your booked lodge to prepare for you packed snack boxes.


Binoculars give you a double experience in Bwindi forest, you enjoy bird watching since the park is home over 350 colorful bird species. Bwindi Impenetrable National Park also harbors stunning wildlife that you can view from a distance like the forest elephants, birds and other small tiny insects you have to be with a binocular. You can view some other distant plants and the beautiful sceneries with in the national park even though you are heading for a gorilla trekking experience.


We can not ignore the fact that gorilla trekking is tiring and strenuous, therefore, at times you may need a helping hand to push you a bit. We recommend our clients to hire porters at an affordable fee and it is also optional.so you have to put in mind that through hiring portieres you are contributing to the development of a community indirectly.

You should also come along with personal toiletries, a first aid kit with prescribed medications like anti-diarrhea medicine, hydration sachets, antiseptic cream, eye drops, moist towels, plasters among the rest.

The list for what to pack for a gorilla safari in Uganda is endless but don’t forget to carry your note book, all your travel documents like passport, travel insurance, inoculations plus your next of kin personal details.

For more information about what to pack for a gorilla safari in Uganda, simply get in touch with our travel experts here at Tristar African Skimmer Safaris, email us on  booking@tristarafricaskimmersafaris.com or call us on +256-758540071 to speak with the reservations team.