July 27, 2024

5 Things You Can’t Miss in Queen Elizabeth National Park

As the most visited park in Uganda due to its various species/wonderful diversity, it goes on to show that Queen Elizabeth national park has got lots of things to offer. This park that is found in the South-Western part of the country is a habitat for over 612 bird species, over 95 mammals and its lush vegetation of lakes and rivers is amazing. With all the diversity and hence, lots of things to do here, there are five things that you shouldn’t miss doing while on a visit to this park and here they are:
Boat cruise along the Kazinga channel
A boat cruise along the 40m long Kazinga channel that adjoins L.George to L.Edward will take you past a great number of hippos, crocs, buffalos and several bird species. You will also see elephants along the shore on this two hour cruise.
Game drives
You will get the opportunity to see the Ishasha tree climbing lions on a game drive in the Kasenyi plains. A game drive in the Northern Kazinga plains can avail you with sights of buffalos, elephants, hyenas, Uganda kob, warthogs, waterbucks and the recently introduced giraffes in the park.

Chimp tracking in Kyambura Gorge
Chimpanzee tracking in the lost valley, the Kyambura gorge will take you along a maze of canopy covered trails in search of the primates.  You will be marveled at the sprawling savannah in the gorge as you trek across river, through valleys and forests in search of the chimps in “the valley of apes.” Red Tailed Monkeys, Black and White Colobus Monkeys and  Baboons are some of the other mammals you will get a chance to see as you chimp track.
Birding in Queen Elizabeth national park is quite experience for birders. The park is home to over 612 birds a number that can not be found anywhere in the East African region. Some of the notable birds you will enjoy seeing are the Shoebill stork, Pel’s fishing owl, Collared pratincole, Palm-nut vulture, Verreaux’s eagle-owl, Swamp flycatcher and the African skimmer.
Visit the crater lakes
The Katwe explosion crater lakes found in Queen Elizabeth national park are some of the most alluring lakes in Uganda. A drive to see the beautiful lakes is very rewarding and you can be able to take scenic photos in the area that frames them.
Guided Nature walk in Maramagambo Forest
Hikers will be exposed to a variety of birds and baboons as well as bat caves that are filled with bat eating pythons as they walk through the dark Maramagambo forest. The lush vegetation in the forest is also something to marvel at. You can opt to go on short or long walks in this forest.
Cultural encounters with the locals like the Kikorongo Equator Cultural Performers and going on a hot air balloon are also worth experiencing while on a safari to Queen Elizabeth national park.