July 27, 2024

What Makes Queen Elizabeth Park Stand Out From Other Parks

Spanning Kasese, Kamwenge, Rubirizi & Rukungiri districts approximately 250 miles southwest of Kampala city is the magnificent Queen Elizabeth national park, one of Uganda’s most popular park named after her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II. Founded as early as 1952 by combining Lake George & Edward game reserves, the park adjoins the Kyambura & Kigezi game reserve plus the natural Maragambo forest.

Uganda has 10 national parks all blessed with an abundance of wildlife species as well fascinating landscapes and water bodies, but here is why we at Tristar Africa Skimmer Safaris think Queen Elizabeth park is a unique national park. Check out some of these facts and get an insight into what a true classic Queen Elizabeth park safari feels like.


Diverse Ecosystem – One of the most stand-out features of the park is its diverse eco-sytem that includes varying vegetation zones and a variety of wildlife. The park has sprawling savana grasslands, shady forests, humid forests, wetlands as well lakes and craters and when you add on the 95 mammal species and up to 600 bird species, you get the reason why Queen Elizabeth national park stands out among the other Uganda national parks.

Classic big & small game – Every tourist loves to visit Africa for a chance to spot some of the most iconic African species and that’s what Queen Elizabeth national park offers, a classic game drive & boat cruise experience guarantee to give you as many opportunities to encounter various mammal species both big and small. Some of the most notable wildlife species in the park include the magnificent Africa elephant, Lions, Leopards, Hippos, Nice crocodiles, Buffaloes, Giant forest hog, warthog, Ugandan kob, Topi, hyenas to mention but a few.

Primate tracking – If you are into primates but can’t afford the Bwindi gorilla safari permit or Kibale forest chimpanzee permit, then you should try tracking chimpanzees at Kymabura gorge for as low as US$ 100 person hence saving some money for other things. The Kaymbura gorge is considered as the Valley of the Apes and one of the stand-out destinations on a safari to Queen Elizabeth national park. Chimpnazee tracking might be the top activity in this region bt that doesn’t mean you won’t expect other species, these include the red-tailed monkey, white & red colobus monkeys, baboons, vervet monkeys, olive baboons and of course numerous bird species.

Crater lakes – Queen Elizabeth national park is dotted with numerous craters with 3 standing out and these include the Katwe crater lake where salt mining is done, Bunyaruguru crater fields ( Over 20 craters) and Ndali-Kasenda crater lake which is just close to the Kibale forest. Crater lakes tour is an amazing foot and car adventure that will give you opportunities to marvel at the beautiful sparkling lakes as you take pictures and bond with friends or family.

Tree climbing lions – Another unique thing about Queen Elizabeth national park is the infamous tree-climbing lions which can only be found at the Ishasha region and nowhere else in the world. A chance to spot these magnificent beasts climbing and resting in the fig trees is a once in a lifetime event and thats why every tourist visits the Ishasha region either before or after the game drive in the Kasenyi plains.

Kazinga channel – Another destination that makes Queen Elizabeth national park stand out from other Uganda national parks is the Kazinga channel, a small water body joining Lakes George & Edward crossing through the park. The Kazinga channel is well renowned for hosting the largest concertation of hippos with numbers going up to 2000 plus countless Nile crocodiles all of which you can see on an evening boat cruise on the water channel.

So if you are planning to visit Uganda for a safari adventure, then you should consider a safari to Queen Elizabeth national park if you want a budget-friendly and classic wildlife Uganda safari adventure. You can book or inquire about a safari today by simply sending us an email to booking@tristarafricaskimmersafaris.com or call us now +256-758540071 to speak with our reservations team.

Bryan Hulk